No country is too poor, to filled with crime, too divided by war, or too dark to be changed. God has given us basic principles that are keys to every problem we face in the twenty-first century. The answers lie between the covers of one book - the Bible. The Book That Transforms Nations demonstrates how, together, we can use the Bible to change the whole world. Loren Cunningham's fifty years of ministry have taken him to the world's poorest and neediest as well as to kings and presidents. Here he offers a solid reason to hope and work for a better future. See how God has already worked wonders in the nations Meet heroes who have discipled countries in applying the Bible's transforming truths Learn about innovative methods for getting God's Word out to everyone "(This book) is both a reminder of what God has done in the past as well as practical in what every believer can do. Loren Cunningham will ignite your imagination and renew hope in you for the world". - Rick Warren, author of the Purpose Driven Life "Read this book, It is not about problems, but about solutions. Wish I had written it." - Brother Andrew, author of God's Smuggler "In the face of seemingly every-increasing spiritual darkness worldwide, this book provides hope and a reminder of the power of the Bible." - Joyce Meyer, best selling author and teacher Loren Cunnigham is the founder of Youth With A Mission. For decades, Loren has ministered and taught internationally, often going to thirty or forty countries each year. His missionary travels have taken him to every country on earth. The Book That Transforms Nations draws on a lifetime of observing the nations as they change and a lifelong pursuit of hearing God's word for the nations.
ISBN : 978-1-57658-381-4
Éditeur : Ywam Publishing
Nb de pages : 256